Friday, May 25, 2012

Old Town Field Trip

A BIG thank you to all of our chaperones from Wednesday's field trip!!!  I am so grateful for your help & so are the trips would not be possible without you.

On Wednesday the class traveled back to the 1860's with the help of some great actors in San Diego's Old Town Historic Park.  We were led by the First Lady of San Diego, Mrs. Robinson, on a tour through an old fashioned school, to the blacksmith, and we even had a chance to trade with a shopkeeper in order to make a cake.  This field trip goes along nicely with our social studies unit on San Diego's history.
Mrs. Robinson, the governor's wife and our wonderful tour guide

The blacksmith showed us what a little heat can do.  We learned that a town could not function without a blacksmith

Philip was the printer's apprentice.

Weighing out the flour & deciding what to trade for it.

3rd grade at Old Town

The captain taught us how to use a compass

Mrs. Walker set her students straight.

Petting Daisy

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