Thursday, June 7, 2012

Guest Teacher

Dear Friends & Families,

We have been so lucky for the past few weeks to have a guest teacher from Japan!  Mihoko is visiting the United States from Tokyo and comes into our class for an hour every Monday & Wednesday.  She has introduced the students to Japanese folk tales, origami, Japanese calligraphy, and Haiku poetry.  The students are also learning about Japanese customs and how to count and say colors in Japanese.

Origami tulips

Learning about the history of Japanese calligraphy before we try it ourselves.
 New Laptops!
AFCS was so lucky to get laptops for each classroom.  Third grade now has 3 laptops that the students are using to publish their writing.  Our goal is for each student to have a published piece by the end of the year & we will celebrate with a publishing party in July!
Ethan & Philip working to publish their favorite story from the year.


 CST - Monday June 11 - Thursday June 14
We will be starting at 9:30am sharp.  If your student is not here by then, they will have to make up the test at a later time.
We have worked so hard this year & the kiddos can't wait to show off what they have learned.  Please help them do their best by getting them to bed early next week.  I think 8:00 or 8:30 is a great bed time!  Also, have a healthy dinner and a complete & healthy breakfast each day.
The students may bring snacks such as goldfish or popcorn to share with the class.  I have found that snacking through the test helps the kiddos.

No School - June 18 & June 19

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