Thursday, November 3, 2011

Into November

Dear Families,    
The class at the Dia de los Muertos festival wearing their calaveras masks.

The students making paper flowers
     Last Friday the 3rd graders took a field trip to the City Heights Library, where Proyecto de Casas put on a Dia de los Muertos festival.  The students were excited to meet members from the community and learn about Dia de los Muertos traditions, such as creating altars and decorating sugar skulls (calaveras).  
learning about the Kumeyaay
     When we returned to school we were greeted by families who were joining us for our publishing party.  The class worked really hard on their memoirs & were so excited to share their work.  The students wrote their memoirs about a time in their life that was very important or memorable to them,  Thank you so much to those of you who were able to join us for the party & for bringing treats.  If you were unable to make it to the publishing party we are planning many more throughout the year.  I will also be hanging up many of the memoirs in the classroom.  Feel free to stop by and read them before or after school.
Philip's dad talking to Broc about his memoir
Broc's mom is listening to Bryan's memoir



     This week in writing the class began their letters to their pen-pals.  One of my good friends teaches 4th grade in San Francisco & we thought it would be fun for our classes to be pen-pals.  I am sending the letters out on Friday & hopefully we will hear back from our new friends very soon! 
     In math we are starting a measurement unit.  The students are learning how to read rulers to the nearest milimeter, whole, 1/2, and 1/4 centimeter & inch.  We will eventually move into determining area and perimeter.  Please work with your students at home on these topics.  If you are working on a project that involves measurement, get your students involved or just measure objects around your house.  I am also going to be sending home "fact triangles" in your student's go home folder.  These can be used like flash cards but are so much better because they will help the students learn the relationship between addition & subtraction.  Your kids have used these in class, so please ask them to show you how to use them.  Quiz your students daily to help them learn their basic math facts.  Knowing these facts will help them in every aspect of mathematics.
     Our biome project is in full swing.  The students have broken up into groups & each group is focusing on creating a "museaum display" highlighting one of the six biomes.  Once we have finished our projects we will be inviting you in to take a tour of our museum.

Friday, November 11th - no school for Veteran's Day
Friday, November 18th - Filed trip to the library - permission slip is going home tomorrow
No school the week of the 21st for Thanksgiving Break

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