Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Back from Thanksgiving

Dear Families & Friends,
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break.  There is so much for us all to be thankful for.  Before the break the class took some time to think about what they were thankful for.  They displayed these through their "turkey glyphs."  A glyph is a graph that tells the viewer information through visuals. A key is used to determine what the glyph means.
Here is our key as well as some examples of the turkey glyphs.  See if you can figure out information about the students who made each turkey...
brown body - born in San Diego     white body - born outside of San Diego
big eyes - 9 years old     small eyes - 8 years old
white feet - like to play sports     orange feet - don't like to play sports
orange beak - boy    yellow beak - girl
red wattle - wear glasses     orange waddle - don't wear glasses
feathers = we are thankful for....
green - family, dark blue - friends, pink - having a home to live in, light blue, having food to eat, purple, having clothes to wear

Before vacation we also took a fieldtrip to the City Heights Library.  We saw a great animal show with animals from the rainforests and deserts of South America!  The students even got to pet an alligator!  After the animal show we were given a tour of the library and the students had an opportunity to read.  Thank you so much to all of the chaperones!  This fieldtrip would not have been possible without you!

Another exciting occurrence in 3rd grade was that the La Jolla Rotary Club came to our classroom & donated dictionaries!  Each student now has their very own dictionary that they can use in class and at home.  We have already found so many uses for them.
Thank You La Jolla Rotary Club!

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