Thursday, October 27, 2011

End of October

Dear Family & Friends,

It has been a great week in 3rd grade.

We have been reviewing the classroom expectations that we set at the beginning of the year.  The class is working on quick & quiet transitions so that we can maximize our learning time. 

Our science unit on world biomes is in full swing.  We have read and watched videos about the different biomes.  Now the students have broken off into groups to create museum-like exhibits.  Each group is in charge of one biome and will decorate a part of the class to highlight the important aspects of their biome.  Students will focus on plants, animals, climate, and changes occurring in each biome.  We will have a museum opening once the projects are complete.

Our math unit on addition and subtraction is coming to an end.  The students are taking their unit test tomorrow and we will be moving on to measurement.  Please continue to work at home with your students on addition and subtraction.  Knowing their facts by memory will help them in the future, as the math begins to get harder & harder.  Also, speak to them about how you use measurement in your daily life.  When the students see math concepts applied to the real world it makes it more interesting and helps them understand why they are being taught the concept.

In writing we are proud to announce that our memoirs are now complete.  The class worked diligently, writing, editing and revising their work.  They are excited to show the final product to you tomorrow during our publishing party.  If you can come, we would love to have you there!  We will begin the party at 11:00 and go to about 11:45. 

Tomorrow is our field trip to the City Heights Dia de los Muertos festival.  The class has read informational passages about the holiday and will learn more tomorrow.  We will leave school at 9:30am and return at 10:45am.

Thank you for your support!

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