Thursday, October 20, 2011

Zoo Trip

Dear Families & Friends,

This week the class started a science unit on biomes and habitats.  The 6 biomes we are learning about are: tundra, rain forest, desert, grassland, aquatic, and deciduous/coniferous forest.  The field trip to the San Diego Zoo was a great research trip for the students.  I heard students reading the information about each animal they visited and this led to discussions about what biome they live in and why they are able to survive in that environment.  One group of students told me the rattle snake is able to survive in the desert is because it's light brown color allows it to camouflage itself in the sand, while the Green Mamba's bright green allows it to camouflage into the green leaves of the tropical trees in the rainforest.
I owe a big "THANK YOU" to the parents who chaperoned today.  This trip would not have been possible without your help!

Tomorrow is the American Stars Assembly from 2:00-2:45pm.  Each month three students will be honored for their outstanding behavior.  A letter will be sent home informing you if your student has been selected and you are welcome to come to the assembly and enjoy treats with your student after the awards are handed out.  This month we are honoring Alissa, Kyi, and Ethan for their continuous effort and good citizenship.  These students never say, "I can't," and are the first ones to do what is asked of them or to help a friend in need.

Next Friday, October 28th the 3rd grade will be having their first Publishing Party!  Your students have been working very hard on their Memoirs and want to show them off.  You are welcome to join us during writing time, 11:00-11:45 to enjoy their work.  If you would like to bring treats to celebrate their accomplishment you are more than welcome to.  Please post in the comment section below if you are planning to attend and what treats you would like to bring.  A flyer will be going home tomorrow.

Thank you,
Ms. Garfinkel

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