Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sierra Club Hike

The group of hikers

SaNay Maung climbing the huge tree we came across

3rd graders in the tree

      Last Friday we spent a great day with volunteers from the Sierra Club.  First we went to Mission Trails where we went on a great hike to a small water fall.  There were trees and boulders along the way for students to climb.  After a delicious picnic lunch we drove up to Mt. Laguna where we spent a fun-filled afternoon sledding and having snowball fights. 
     Thank you Christina, Mabel, and Suzie for chaperoning & making this trip possible!  We also want to thank the Sierra Club and Bill for taking us on this awesome trip.  We are planning a possible camping trip to Joshua Tree National Park in April.  If your student is interested please let me know.

Bill, Jennifer, & Arianna flying in the sled
SaNay Maung & Javhi getting some air    

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