Monday, February 13, 2012

February Update

Dear Families & Friends,

This past week was a great one in the 3rd grade classroom & we have a lot of exciting activities coming up!

Dates To Keep In Mind:
Tuesday, February 14th - Free Dress Day & Valentine's Day Party
Friday, February 17th - Sierra Club Hike (be at school at 9:00am sharp)

Friday, February 17th and Monday, February 20th - No School
Tuesday, February 28th - Field Trip to the Barona Cultural Museum (permission slip went home today)

Last week in MATH the students began their GEOMETRY unit.  This unit started with learning about rays, lines, & line segments.  Then the students moved into parallel, perpendicular, and intersecting lines as well as right, acute, and obtuse angles.  Here are some photos of the students practicing lines and angles as a class...
intersecting lines - 2 obtuse angles & 2 acute angles

parallel lines

perpendicular lines - 4 right angles

right angle = 90 degrees

acute angle = smaller than 90 degrees

Thank you so much to all of the volunteers that helped us on our field trip to the City Heights Library.  Our fun trips would not be possible without you!  We had a great time at the library.  We learned all about many animals from Africa.  We saw animals like an alligator, hedgehog, a turtle, a tortoise, milipedes, and a kit fox.
Broc petting Ali the alligator

Ashea got to pet the desert fox

The students knew all the right answers when comparing and contrasting a turtle & tortoise thanks to our recent reading lessons.  I was a very proud teacher!   

On Wednesday, Heather from Revolutions Food came in for a lesson about healthy eating.  We got to sample dark chocolate, white chocolate, and milk chocolate.  Then we compared and contrasted the 3 types of chocolates.  We learned how chocolate was made & that dark chocolate is the best for us because it has the least amounts of milk and sugar.  Then we combined chocolate with dried cranberries, pretzels, popcorn, and nuts to make a healthy trailmix snack.
Heather came in to teach us about healthy eating

healthy snacks

excited to try out trail mix

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