Monday, March 5, 2012

Into March

Dear Families, & Friends,

The 3rd graders just finished their Kumeyaay Unit.  The class spent the past month learning all about the Kumeyaay that lived in the San Diego area long ago & about those Kumeyaay who still live here today.  The class compared & contrasted their lives with those of the Kumeyaay thousands of years ago, they categorized & classified the food the Kumeyaay ate, and played Kumeyaay games. The students also participated in a trade and barter activity that taught them about supply and demand of goods and services.  As a culminating activity we took a field trip to the Barona Cultural Museum.  Each student will be taking home a book of their work at the end of the week.  A big THANK YOU to all of the chaperones!
Playing 'emarr' - a dice game the Kumeyaay played

Outside the Barona Cultural Museum

Hailey & Ethan bartering for goods they need to survive
Sanay & Hailey agree on a trade
In math the class is finishing their mid-year assessment.  This test is assessing the students on every standard we have learned from September through February.  Each student will take their test results home at the end of the week.  These results will show you where your student stands in relation to where they should be at this point.  This will also be a good predictor of your student's achievement on the CST that we will be taking in June.  When this test is over the class will move onto multiplication & division.  Please practice multiplication facts at home!  This is the only way your student will be able to memorize all of their facts.

We are so excited because we just got our letters from our pen-pals & have started to write back!  Our pen-pals go to school in South San Francisco, CA.  We have been writing to them for a few months now and we feel so lucky to have friends in another city.  Please ask your student about his/her pen-pal. 

In Language Arts we are beginning a unit on fables, folktales, and myths.  If your family has any fables, folktales or myths that are near & dear to you please have your student bring them in to share with the class.  The class will be learning how to determine the moral or lesson of each story & explain how it is conveyed through supporting details in the text.  Then each student will have an opportunity to write his/her own fable or myth to teach a moral or a lesson.  The students are also focusing on prefixes and suffixes this month.  As you read or converse with your students point out prefixes/suffixes you notice and discuss how they change the meaning of the root words.


March 16th - field trip to the Reuben H Fleet Science Center
                      cost is $3.00/student & we will need chaperones
March 28th - AFCS spaghetti dinner & art show

READING LOGS:  Each Monday a reading log will come home with your student.  Please follow the instructions on the reading log.  The logs should be returned the following Monday.

GO HOME FOLDERS:  Check your student's blue folder each Friday.  Important communications are in the folder.  If your student has lost his/her folder please replace it as soon as possible.  They are available at the 99 Cents Store or the Dollar Tree as well as Target, Wal Mart, etc.

REPORT CARDS:  Report cards are going home this month.  If your student is below grade level I will be scheduling conferences.  If I do not schedule a conference with you, but you would like to meet feel free to email or call me.  I am happy to meet with everyone.

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