Friday, February 3, 2012


Hi Families & Friends,

The 3rd graders have been very busy since we returned from vacation.  In math we just finished a unit on place value.  The students learned place value up to the millions and down to the hundreths.  The unit test went home in their blue folders today.  Please look over the test with your student.
place value to the hundreths - decimals & fractions

We have now moved on to GEOMETRY.  Yesterday & today the students were learning about line segments, rays, & lines.  Next week we will be moving on to angles.

In Language Arts the students are learning a lot!  We are using double bubble maps to compare and contrast information from expository (informative non-fiction) text.  We are then taking this information and writing summaries of the expository text.  

comparing & contrasting alligators and crocodiles

The students are also learning how to use apostrophes to show possession for singular and plural nouns.  For example:
The boy's book is lost.  (singular)
The boys' books are lost. (plural)
The man's hat is brown. (singular)
The men's hats are brown. (plural)

Each Friday we will continue to write our Friday Letters.  Please read your letter with your student over the weekend, sign it, and return it to school with them on the following Monday.  If you would like to write any questions or comments to me on these letters, feel free!

In social studies we are continuing to study the Kumeyaay, who used to live all over San Diego county and even parts of Mexico.  The students have been learning about the types of shelter, food, clothing, and tools the Kumeyaay had.  Next week will learn about the economic systems and how the Kumeyaay got what they needed through trading & bartering.  On February 28th we are scheduled to visit the Kumeyaay Museum.  Please keep this date in mind as we will need chaperones!
poster categorizing the food the Kumeyaay ate
February 9th - field trip to the City Heights Library for African Animal show
February 14th - Valentine's Day party & Free Dress Day
February 17th & 20th - No School for President's Day
February 17th - Sierra Club Hike (more information below)
February 28th - Filedtrip to the Barona Cultural Museum
February 10 - 16th - Scholastic Book Fair (in the auditorium)

AFCS is teaming up with the Sierra Club in order to take our students on fun, outdoor adventures!  The San Diego Chapter of the Sierra Club sponsors hundreds of outings and trips each year. They vary widely in type and difficulty. All outings are led by Chapter Outing Leaders (COLs) who have been through required training courses.  Our COL, Bill, and I will be taking eight of our 3rd graders on a hike February 17th.  This will just be a relatively easy day hike.  We will leave from school and return to school for pick-up after the hike.  Students will be chosen based on demonstrations of respect to classmates & teacher, responsibility, and effort given in class.  If your student is selected a permission slip & more information will go home.  This is a great opportunity for your student to see parts of San Diego they have never seen and to get exercise!

Congratulations to Giovanni, Javhi, Ethan, Citlaly, Bryan, Kyi, and Sanay Maung for your perfect attendance awards in January.  Keep up the great work!

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